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Some schools are to blame in fostering hate crimes

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pinkie View Drop Down

Joined: Mar 29 2008
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  Quote pinkie Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Topic: Some schools are to blame in fostering hate crimes
    Posted: Mar 29 2008 at 6:22am
My son goes to a middle school that is all about the sports teams (as are most schools) and he tells me he is in class with a boy who is "different" (sons words) and is singled out because he is gay. Even the teachers make him the butt of jokes and if not making him the butt of jokes, laugh at the students jokes about him in complicity. This gets the kids to think that making fun of gay people is OK..and  the macho administrators do nothing about it. I bet this scene plays out at thousands of middle schools across the country.
It was also around when I went to school.  I went to the prom with my gay friend in 1976.  The kids egged his coat, beat him up, and generally made his life miserable. All while the administration turned their heads.  If we as parents hear these things from our children, which I am sure in Larry's case, everyone heard of the treatment of Larry, even from the kids who were treating him this way! Why did the administration of the school let this kid down, and why did the other parents not say anything?? If you don't like what is going on at your school, guess what THEY work for YOU..tell them!  The schools like to put it the other way all the time.  It is YOUR tax dollars that pay for the are in charge!  If you hear of a "different" kid; and they are being harmed, picked on or are the topic of conversation at the dinner table, and the administration turns a blind eye or an encouraging eye...SAY SOMETHING!!! DO SOMETHING!  Complicity in this case, was part of the problem. This didnt happen overnight. Get outraged at the culture of aggession and machismo!
And instruct your children at home...and the best prevention for hate crimes is to get your children to know other cultures and lifestyles, and have a good attitude yourself about diversity.  Have people in your life that are different from you when your kids are young and then they can be the champions of tommorow and help prevent hate crimes of all types. And listen..listen..listen to your kids....and help other kids, not just your own.  The day you became a parent was the day your also became a collective parent to all kids!  Because these kids are part of your children's generation and life. It is their brighter future you have to create..
Sympathies to the family and friends of Larry...he is about a year older than my son, who was born the end of 93..I cant imagine losing my son, and this boy had alot of light behind his eyes, you could tell he was a special bright light of a human being...God bless all of you in your recovery and memories of Larry, you will see his bright light again. And remember, these crimes are preventable!!!  Education is the key.
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