hope and help |
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Newbie Joined: Jul 18 2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 4 |
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Topic: hope and help Posted: Jan 20 2009 at 12:36am |
It has been a while. I have gone on a spirit journey. I come back and I see that this forum is dead, much like the topic it is devoted to. But never the less, I post here. No no no, I still dislike homosexuals, I just don't care anymore.
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Quote Reply Posted: Aug 20 2008 at 1:10am |
I'm so sorry to hear about Larry's death. I just heard about it 2 days ago and have heard that his death didn't get the media coverage that was needed and that truly hurts my soul. My prayers are with you and everyone that has lost Larry. God bless you. I'm here if you need anyone to talk to. Christian Shojamanesh |
Newbie Joined: Aug 13 2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 3 |
Quote Reply Posted: Aug 16 2008 at 7:54pm |
I completely agree. That other post just made me so angry... This should be a peaceful place for people to talk. I apologize if I was out of line at all.
Newbie Joined: Aug 16 2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 1 |
Quote Reply Posted: Aug 16 2008 at 1:24am |
Would it not be a good idea if people looked at what really happen? An innocent "child" was murdered, a life snuffed out for no explanable reason except another "child" was probably following the ideals of his environment; like it or not people, we are all a product of our environment....
Newbie Joined: Mar 10 2008 Location: Haverhill, MA Online Status: Offline Posts: 16 |
Quote Reply Posted: Aug 15 2008 at 1:36pm |
You are right.
I apologize, I am no longer going to discuss whether it was "right or not."
It isn't appropriate on here.
God bless Larry and his family.
Rejoice in the fact that Larry is in a better place then we could ever imagine, in a world where love will abound with him forever.
Newbie Joined: Aug 13 2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 3 |
Quote Reply Posted: Aug 13 2008 at 3:14pm |
I didn't read your response until just now. But your reasons have no logic at all. First of all in two LGBT adults in a loving committed relationship has no relationship to a man and a dog. Can a dog sign their name on a marriage contract? Does a child willingly enter into a sexual relationship with a pedophile? And for that matter can a dog give consent? They have no language abilities.
Furthermore, gay and lesbian parents often raise straight children. Their being gay has no affect on their children's sexuality other than to promote a healthy look at sexuality, tolerance and respect for all people. Black, white, yellow, purple. It really doesn't matter what skin color you are, what religion, or what sexuality. People will fall in love with whoever they fall in love with. No one can control that, no matter how hard we may try. I hope that in the future you learn to respect other people as it seems you have yet to do this. Please do not post derogatory remarks on a Memorial page. That is just plain disrespectful. Learn some sense of decency. Also read this before you respond: 01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning. 02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall. 03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract. 04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal. 05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed. 06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children. 07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children. 08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America. 09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children. 10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans. |
Newbie Joined: Aug 13 2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 3 |
Quote Reply Posted: Aug 13 2008 at 2:23pm |
I just don't understand your logic.
The world is overpopulated, the industrial countries are growing at exponential rates, there are too many cars on the road and in some cities there has to be Smog level announcements when it gets too high. In third world countries children are starving to death as I type this. And yet somehow and you think that "homosexuality seeks to slow the progress of humanity." Why? because we adopt the neediest children and give them loving homes? This logic just doesn't follow. And if this argument is not true than "recruiting" can't be a problem either since we're not "slowing the progress of humanity." But I don't believe that anyone can choose/change their sexuality, and certainly no one else can change your sexuality. Your arguments, though admittedly better than the standard "God says it's wrong" still does not make sense. |
Newbie Joined: Aug 09 2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 1 |
Quote Reply Posted: Aug 09 2008 at 7:36am |
To Yanluo
Just to say i hardly think a memorial site where someone has been tragically killed is really an appropriate plavce to air and discuss your beliefs and views? I think you should have some respect and do this elsewhere Rest in peace with the angels Larry x |
Newbie Joined: Mar 10 2008 Location: Haverhill, MA Online Status: Offline Posts: 16 |
Quote Reply Posted: Jul 22 2008 at 3:55pm |
Hi Lou. I respect your feelings about the whole religious aspects of things, and can see what you might mean when you talk about homosexuals and reproduction. However, I do not think that it hinders the world in anyway, because there will allways be straight people to reproduce, and one can not turn a person gay by associating with them. You are born that way, and while we may not know why, that is just one of the mysteries of godliness in my opinion. I will not stretch it out further then that, because i do not seek to contend with anyone on their beliefs. I wish the best to all on this post.
It will all make sense one day...
Rejoice in the fact that Larry is in a better place then we could ever imagine, in a world where love will abound with him forever.
Newbie Joined: Jul 18 2008 Online Status: Offline Posts: 4 |
Quote Reply Posted: Jul 21 2008 at 12:59am |
So as a measure to treat the global population crisis you believe a viable measure is to stagnate human progress? I'm sorry, but i do not agree. You see, as you say there are many homosexual parents, however, these parents impression their children (be it passively or actively) further spreading the concept and practice of homosexual acts.
http://www.traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/a02rStatistcs.html That site above is actually a relatively informative site that aids in giving a concept of the burden placed on our society. while it must be taken with a grain of salt, it seeks to show how these people affect our society. While some of the citations check out i have not had the time or patience to examine them all. If we sit down and logically think about it though, if we allow homosexuals why not allow paedophiles as well? Or people who have see with animals? If you claim t allow people sexual freedom then give it on all levels. In regards to paedophiles if you are to say that their act is a crime because it takes advantage of a childs inability to comprehend the situation of sexual intercourse that is hypocritical. You see, by allowing people to choose their sexual orientation you are giving them the choice. By telling someone that they are disallowed from that right due to age is a form of discrimination. So really all "pro-homo-anti-paedo" supporters are discriminatory people fighting against equality. Also, as not all paedophiles engage in sexual intercourse with a minor it is unfair to make comments about them all. However, if one wr t take an "anti-homo-anti-paedo" view to the world, everything quickly falls into equilibrium allowing equality. Equality isnt always equal I am afraid, however sometimes it is clear to see that one thing allows more fairness than something else. That is all i could think about writing. Cheers, Lou |
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