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Gay-Straight Alliances

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Category: Anti-Violence and Tolerance Forum
Forum Name: Groups and Organizations
Forum Discription: Groups and Organizations that work towards fighting violence and intolerance.
Printed Date: Mar 14 2025 at 2:30am

Topic: Gay-Straight Alliances
Posted By: carolyn laub
Subject: Gay-Straight Alliances
Date Posted: Feb 18 2008 at 6:36pm
Students can start Gay-Straight Alliance clubs on high schools AND middle school campuses.  GSA clubs reduce harassment, provide a safe place on campus, and educate schools about stopping hate and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Learn how: -

Posted By: michelers09
Date Posted: Feb 19 2008 at 10:00pm
All the best to Larry's family, I am so sorry to hear about this. I actually am a co-president of the Norristown Area High School GSA and I am planning on talking to my school supervisors and other members to see if we can hold a vigil or memorial or something. This made me cry when I heard about it. People need to learn tolerance. Again, my deepest condolences.

Posted By: lehsgsa
Date Posted: Mar 06 2008 at 4:39pm
I'm the head of the gsa at my school and I'll do all in my power to bring awareness about this...

Posted By: gpudlo
Date Posted: Mar 09 2008 at 4:55am
I must say that reading this story about Larry King deeply saddened me. I am not typically very moved by a lot of stories; it seems that our society has become accustomed to hearing these types of stories all the type that we almost become immune to them. But I really feel for Larry and his friends and family. I am gay and I know exactly what kind of torture Larry was put through. I suffered it too and it was unbearable and cruel. I felt I had no one to go to. I feel fortunate to have grown up without any major altercations. I really feel that gay-straight alliances should be established as early as in middle schools. I can remember growing up thinking there was something terribly wrong with me for being gay and wish that I had had some sort of gay-straight alliance to turn to. Teachers and parents alike should express to their growing teens that its ok to be gay and that its ok to have a gay friend. I hate to sound vengeful, but I really hope the boy who shot Larry is put away for a long, long time.

George Pudlo

Posted By: tones91
Date Posted: Mar 10 2008 at 7:23pm
Originally posted by gpudlo

I must say that reading this story about Larry King deeply saddened me. I am not typically very moved by a lot of stories; it seems that our society has become accustomed to hearing these types of stories all the type that we almost become immune to them. But I really feel for Larry and his friends and family. I am gay and I know exactly what kind of torture Larry was put through. I suffered it too and it was unbearable and cruel. I felt I had no one to go to. I feel fortunate to have grown up without any major altercations. I really feel that gay-straight alliances should be established as early as in middle schools. I can remember growing up thinking there was something terribly wrong with me for being gay and wish that I had had some sort of gay-straight alliance to turn to. Teachers and parents alike should express to their growing teens that its ok to be gay and that its ok to have a gay friend. I hate to sound vengeful, but I really hope the boy who shot Larry is put away for a long, long time.
Don't worry about sounding vengeful, it is only right that justice be served in this instance. I too believe that they should have GSA's as early as middle school and have hope that that can one day come about. I felt the same at first but was blessed to have parents who ultimately understood and loved me for who I am. I am also glad that I have the knowledge that God loves me, and all of his gay children for that matter. It is my hope that soon no one will feel alone in this world concerning their sexuality and they will always have a friend to turn to.

Rejoice in the fact that Larry is in a better place then we could ever imagine, in a world where love will abound with him forever.

Posted By: Sir Gawain
Date Posted: Mar 23 2008 at 12:38pm

I'm also a vice-president of a GSA, though ours has been officially renamed The Alliance. Next meeting, president permitting, I hope to bring Larry up and share his story. I attended a vigil in our area on the 19th, and his story is horribly sad, but I hope to make some good out of it. Our GSA has been inactive for too long, and I hope I can use this tragedy to breathe some inspiration into our group. Perhaps I can see about organizing a group to go to our middle school to do a presentation, or hold an in-school memorial.


Feeling vengeful is justifed, but one has to remember that the murderer is only a kid, too. He's fourteen. He's not entirely grown into his personality. He may not be irredeamable. It would be a horrible thing if this kid's life could still be saved, and we threw him away in our anger. I know it's asking a lot - maybe too much - of those involved, but if we could just make the attempt to reach out to Brandon, it might turn out to be worth it. Then again, it's likely it wouldn't.

Posted By: tones91
Date Posted: Mar 24 2008 at 3:32pm
That's awesome, Sir Gaiwan. I would definitely bring it up, and I think it would be great to have at a middle school level, seeing how he was a middle schooler himself. It seems like there are just arent any GSA's at the middle school level, and I think it would help them to understand. The best of luck to you, and if you need any suggestions or anything, just email me: -
God Bless

Rejoice in the fact that Larry is in a better place then we could ever imagine, in a world where love will abound with him forever.

Posted By: Robin
Date Posted: Aug 15 2008 at 4:30pm
I guess what literally breaks my heart is that this young soul was a human being, just like the rest of us. Love is taught just like hate is. We need to teach our children at an early age to love one another irregardless of others personalities, hairstyles, clothes choices or any other thing that makes us unique.  Sometimes you can see little children (preschool) holding hands with their "buddy," and they could care less who that person is. All they know is they are their friend. What is important these days? Our outward appearance?? I should hope not. What we have and can give others on the inside is what is important.  I hope that he did realize before his life was cut so very short that there are people all over the world who would have embraced him, loved him, and accepted him. My heart goes out to all those who did just that. I am sure you will have a huge void in your life. May God bless you.

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