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How will you be paying it forward?

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Category: Classmates
Forum Name: Classmates Around The World
Forum Discription: A forum for all students to discuss what is important to them and how they can help prevent tragedies like this in the future.
Printed Date: Mar 13 2025 at 10:07am

Topic: How will you be paying it forward?
Posted By: NoLa
Subject: How will you be paying it forward?
Date Posted: Feb 23 2008 at 11:00pm

Hello everyone,

The last ten days have been very sad. My mind has been at a stand-still. All I could think of is "Why? Why did this have to happen? This shouldn't have happened! Something has to be done in reponse to this, but what can I do? I'm just one person!  I'm as confused as everyone else is about what I can do to stop this from happening again."  So, I made a simple promise to myself, Larry's spirit, and his family, that I would, if nothing else, do what I can on a daily basis to make a difference in this world even if it's only a little piece at a time.

So, guys, I'd like your help in filling this thread with ideas on what we all can do on a daily basis to help ourselves and each other live safe and healthy lives.  Tell me what you can, will, and are doing to avert violent crimes, bullying, and hate in your hallways.  Tell me about what you can, will, and are doing to help yourself and the people around you in positive ways.  In what way's has Larry's passing inspired you to be a better neighbor, friend, sister, brother, parent, schoolmate, teacher, etc?  Let's talk about what you can do to pay it forward!

We need to stop these things from happening at the source, and that source is each and every one of us! 
I look forward to hearing from you,
"With every breath I take today,
I vow to be awake;
And every step I take,
I vow to take with a grateful heart--
So I may see with eyes of love
into the hearts of all I meet,
To ease their burden when I can
And touch them with a smile of peace."

Posted By: NoLa
Date Posted: Feb 26 2008 at 10:16pm

All right, all right, ... I'll start! Wink

Every morning, as I'm walking to work, I say, "Today,...every step I take puts me on a path to greater good. Greater good for myself, and for others."

It sets the tone for the day, ya know?

The 'path' ahead suddenly seems a little less treacherous. People are a little less scary. I’ve noticed friends are a little more open. Enemies are a little less interested in picking a fight, and strangers walking by are more likely to wave and say “Hi!”.

Sure, it’s small, but it’s a start.


Posted By: lehsgsa
Date Posted: Mar 06 2008 at 4:38pm
I heard about this looking up day of silence and then on ellen
I'm the head of the gay-straight alliance at Lakota east high school in ohio
When I heard the news of this I immediately knew what I was going to do.
I'm going to write a column about this even for the spark*my schools nationally acclaimed magazine* and try to get the next issues main story on hate crimes
I will also do my best to bring awareness about this
I pray for everyone affected by this everyday

I hope this is enough...

Posted By: tones91
Date Posted: Mar 10 2008 at 7:18pm
I am the spokesperson for the GSA at my school and I am most definitely going to include this in the Day Of Silence that is coming up. I feel that my school needs to know that it didn't end with Matthew and isn't going to until we as a society start making changes. I feel it will really hit home with a lot of people and hope it can be a particular focus that day.

Rejoice in the fact that Larry is in a better place then we could ever imagine, in a world where love will abound with him forever.

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