People often dismiss bullying among youth as a normal part of growing up. However, there is nothing innocent about bullying.
The days when bullying meant physical confrontations on the playground are past.
Our Schools need the support of parents and the community generally in countering this evil. Schools need parents' help in enforcing anti-bullying policies and discouraging unwanted behavior. It does little good to enforce these policies at school if they are not emphasized at home, too.
Our job as parents and educators has certainly changed. There has never been a greater need for us to work together to support and protect our children. In the words of a great African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” And these words were never more true than in today’s society. As a home and school ,we must work together to sup-port our children’s needs.
· But What role in the village do we, and should we play? Where do we begin?
As parents: For a start, there are NUMEROUS resources available in our communities and on the Internet. I urge you to read “A Call to Action: Ventura County CAREs” (see information at the end of this message). This Call to Action is only the start. It will be a living document that will evolve over the next several years. A copy will appear on the Ventura County Office of Education’s Web site, - which will allow schools, community- and faith-based organizations, governmental agencies and community members to keep current on the latest research, local data, research-based practices, and community progress in the area of youth asset development. There are resources available for each and everyone of us to explore to protect our young people. We just need the personal and collective action.
The time is now! Our children need each and every one of us to take action.
As Educators: Schools need to implement staff development and trainings to address anti-bullying and harassment. Schools also need programs that teach young people respect and tolerance. Every student deserves to feel safe in school. We must take action and take responsibility for our inaction”
Here are just a few of the resources available:
· California Department of Education’s Safe and Healthy Kids Annual Report. -
· California Safe Schools Coalition. -
· National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, NetSmartz, -
· U.S. Department of Education. -
In the winter of 2005, Dr. Charles Weis, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools, sought nominations for the Ventura County Building Assets Strengthening Individals and Communities – BASICO Commission. Twenty-two men and women who reflect the diversity and expertise of an entire community
answered the call:
Commission Members:
Adilene Amaro, Ventura County Friday Night Live Youth Advisory Council
Susan Baker, Interface Children Family Services*
Tim Blaylock, Boys and Girls Club of Greater Oxnard and Port Hueneme*
Elaine Crandall, Workforce Investment Board of Ventura County
Bennie Crayton, Ventura County Behavioral Health*
Val Donaire, Hueneme Elementary School District
Jock Doss, First 5 Ventura County
Susan Englund, United Way of Ventura County
Jennifer Finnerty, American Cancer Society
Jim Gilmer, Cyrus Urban Inter-Church Sustainability Network
Don Henniger, Child Development Resources of Ventura County
Jenny Jones, Ventura County Associations of School Psychologists
Suzanne Kitchens, Ventura County School Board Association
Yeni Magaña, Ventura County Friday Night Live Youth Advisory Council
Cameron McMullen, Independent Living Program
James Meznek, Ventura County Community College District
Reyna O’Neil, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning (LGBTQ) Family Center
Juanita Rivera-Suarez, Association of California School Administrators*
Betty Roark, 12th District Parent Teacher Association
Stu Semigran, EduCare Foundation*
Jane Sweetland, California State University Channel Islands*
Andre Vazquez, Ventura County School Counselors Association
* Steering Committee Member
Other Representatives:
Tom Nikirk & Theresa Vital, Workforce Investment Board of Ventura County
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------------- Victoria