i send my thoughts...
Printed From: RememberLarry.com
Category: General Discussion
Forum Name: Inspired by Larry
Forum Discription: A place to post articles, stories and poems inspired by Larry.
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Printed Date: Mar 14 2025 at 2:37am
Topic: i send my thoughts...
Posted By: alexxisbiifuplease
Subject: i send my thoughts...
Date Posted: Mar 01 2008 at 12:12pm
to anybody persacuted for what they can not change
i hipe with all me being that the world will be a better place when i open my eyes again
but without other like myself it wont..CANT happen
i urge you all to go hug somebody today
cheer a stranger up
smile at everyone you pass
help the homeless
ask everyone you see how they are
care about everybody freinds you just havnt met yet
open up your heart and let the world in
tell anyone who will listen about crimes and hate and ask them to do the same
spread awarness and love
a messege of peace and hope in a godforsaken hateful world
please for my freind alex (leader of the gily man club and miss meez)
for larry and for all the unnamed martyrs who sufer silently without
complaint untill theyre lives get cut short by hate and violance