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Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development

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Category: Anti-Violence and Tolerance Forum
Forum Name: Groups and Organizations
Forum Discription: Groups and Organizations that work towards fighting violence and intolerance.
Printed Date: Mar 14 2025 at 2:25am

Topic: Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development
Posted By: tumbleweed
Subject: Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development
Date Posted: Mar 28 2008 at 2:55pm
Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development's
The GreenHouse Project, a collaboration between Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development, City of Phoenix - Councilman Tom Simplot , - 1n10 , - NTOUCH and community volunteers, will provide a transitional housing program that will teach the skills necessary for independent living while affording homeless Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) 18-24 years old a safe, temporary living environment. To address the needs of GLBT youth under the age of 18, the project will enlist a network of foster parents willing to house this underserved population.

Although GLBT youth make up less than ten percent of the general population, they represent 20 to 45 percent of the homeless and runaway youth on the street. The need for emergency shelters for all youth is critical, but for GLBT youth the need for safe housing is at a premium. GLBT youth report experiencing discrimination, harassment and violence at shelters from other youth and sometimes even service providers. As a component of the program, the GreenHouse Project will provide culturally competent trainings for anyone who works with youth.

The name of the GreenHouse Project was chosen for two reasons

First, our youth are the future of our community, needing to be cultivated with support for their growth.

Secondly, we do this to honor Maurice Green, a former participant of 1n10 whose violent and tragic murder we hope to never forget and never have repeated.

CHECK OUT The GreenHouse Project and Tumbleweed Center for Youth Development's OTHER 12+ Programs at: -
Serving homeless, abused, abandoned, troubled, at-risk and neglected youth in the Phoenix Area (Maricopa County) since 1972!!!

"For GLBT youth, the need for safe housing is at a premium. GLBT youth report experiencing discrimination, harassment & violence at shelters from other youth & sometimes even service providers"

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